Recent Publications
Protecting Innovation: The Corporate Innovator’s Guide to Patents
Inventors are some of our favorite people. We have had the opportunity to work with inventors working for some of the U.S.’s largest companies, inventors at start-up companies, university inventors, and independent inventors. Previously, John had written a small book whose primary focus was to assist independent inventors. That book is titled Dare To Invent: An Inventor’s Guide to Inventing, Protecting, and Monetizing Inventions. Feedback from that experience helped us realize there is a need for basic patent information in the context of corporate inventors and others who are involved in the invention process as a part of their employment. The purpose of this book is to help fill that need by increasing knowledge about the patent process and issues the corporate inventor may face throughout their career. After reading this book you will have a better understanding of how to read a patent, how to fulfill your obligations as a corporate inventor including how to complete invention disclosures, dealing with issues such as freedom-to-operate, approaches for handling infringement allegations, filing in countries outside of the U.S., and how patents are valued. Although relevant laws are discussed, it is not a legalistic review of applicable laws but instead an attempt to provide practical guidance and answer general questions routinely posed by corporate inventors.
Mark It Up: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Trademarks
Trademarks are crucial to many different types of businesses. Entrepreneurs of all kinds need to know the aspects of trademarking and brand protection along with the challenges and responsibilities associated with trademarks. This book helps provide the knowledge and understanding that may prove critical to success in modern, competitive business industries. This book is to be a useful resource in bridging those gaps, offering knowledge about the trademark process as well as addressing issues an entrepreneur may face throughout their career. Although relevant laws are discussed, this book is not a legalistic review of applicable laws but rather a source of practical guidance to address the questions and issues modern entrepreneurs often have.
Law Prompts: Large Language Models for Lawyers
In the dynamic legal practice of today, staying ahead means embracing the technology that's reshaping the profession.
Discover the transformative power of large language models in legal practice with this essential guide. Designed specifically for lawyers seeking to enhance their practice with the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, this book demystifies the intersection of law and machine learning, giving you the tools to navigate this brave new world. In this comprehensive guide, you'll delve into:
Artificial Intelligence
Goodhue, John and Wei, Yolanda, Classification of Trademark Distinctiveness using OpenAI GPT 3.5 model (February 8, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
Goodhue, John and Xing, Leon, Addressing 'Special Issues' in Classifying Trademark Distinctiveness Using GPT-3 (September 24, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
Goodhue, John and Goodhue, Jonah, Re-imagining the ‘Guess the State’ Game With ChatGPT and Code Interpreter (August 27, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
Goodhue, John, Bot Boundaries: Exploring DMCA Protections for AI Assistant Instructions (August 03, 2024). Available at SSRN:
Goodhue, John and Xing, Leon, Addressing 'Special Issues' in Classifying Trademark Distinctiveness Using GPT-3 (September 24, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
Goodhue, John and Goodhue, Jonah, Re-imagining the ‘Guess the State’ Game With ChatGPT and Code Interpreter (August 27, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
Goodhue, John, Bot Boundaries: Exploring DMCA Protections for AI Assistant Instructions (August 03, 2024). Available at SSRN:
Articles available at
A Patent Analysis Tool’s Journey to the Chipp AI Hackathon Podium:
Protectivity: Select a TM — My Approach to a Business focused Assistant for the Chipp AI Business Hackathon: Protectivity: Select a TM — My Approach to a Business focused Assistant for the Chipp AI Business Hackathon:
Transform your invention disclosures using an AI assistant:
Protect to Prosper: Ensuring Your AI Prompts and Chat Instructions Remain Yours:
Protectivity: Select a TM — My Approach to a Business focused Assistant for the Chipp AI Business Hackathon: Protectivity: Select a TM — My Approach to a Business focused Assistant for the Chipp AI Business Hackathon:
Transform your invention disclosures using an AI assistant:
Protect to Prosper: Ensuring Your AI Prompts and Chat Instructions Remain Yours: